SocraticGadfly: Third party and indy candidate update; sheepdogging bonus

July 19, 2024

Third party and indy candidate update; sheepdogging bonus

Independent Political Report updates the Colorado state LP vs LP National clusterfuck. Indeed, what DOES happen if both orgs complete all paperwork by the state's Sept. 6 deadline? The state doesn't know. That said, per the state LP wanting to nominate RFK Jr? Brainworm Bobby claims to have ballot access in Colorado already, but this is not confirmed. Bobby has made other state ballot access statements that haven't panned out. 


The Democratic Socialists of America, the pretend/fake third party wannabe DSA Roseys, have gotten a small amount of spine and unendorsed AOC.


Brainworm Bobby could be facing more sexual harassment or even abuse allegations, aka a Bill Clinton "bimbo eruption." But, when asked about it, in light of the Vanity Fair piece a week ago, indicated he wasn't sure what still lurked out there — and didn't seem to really care.

I emailed both Richard Winger at Ballot Access News and Jordan Willow Evans at Independent Political Report, but neither had run anything at the time of this posting.


Bernie Sanders hits a new low in sheepdogging by continuing to back Biden but refusing to say he can serve out a second term, all in the same interview. And, he's full of shit:

This past weekend, in an opinion essay in the Times, Sanders wrote, “Despite my disagreements with [Biden] on particular issues, he has been the most effective president in the modern history of our country and is the strongest candidate to defeat Mr. Trump.”

But, to someone who never was a Berner, him being full of such shit is no surprise.

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