SocraticGadfly: Non-twoside Russia-Ukraine 2022 peace talks thoughts

June 24, 2024

Non-twoside Russia-Ukraine 2022 peace talks thoughts

Contra US lies, the US did possibly sabotage Russia-Ukraine peace talks in early 2022. Via Aaron Maté, I note that US officials were "alarmed" at original terms. That said, Poland was perhaps even more alarmed, and I don't think it's clear that the US did sabotage the deal, hence my "possibly." 

That said, Putin was dumb to reject the security guarantees for Ukraine since they were coupled with Ukraine forgoing NATO membership, and his final version the relevant article DID sabotage, which Aaron doesn't mention. On the third hand, Crimea aside, Ukraine wanted at least some of the terms applied to its recognized borders, it seems.

And, on the fourth hand, while Russia wanted sanctions against it ended, unless the treaty had as cosigners the same countries that Ukraine had asked to guarantee its security in exchange for not pursuing NATO membership, that wasn't happening.

In short, if not for some degree of Russian sabotage, combined with some degree of Putin shortsightedness, and possible or probable US sabotage, and Eastern European NATO members concerns, the talks ground to a halt.

But, Aaron Maté, a pseudoleftist and panderer to anybody who reflexively hates the Nat-Sec Nutsacks™, won't give you such nuance.


Side note: Per a speech last week, it looks like Putin wants to beef up and expand BRICS into something larger and more formal and broadly parallel to the Shanghai Cooperative. 

Side note 2: That link came from a John Helmer post written AFTER the NYT piece. He's had one more since. He's surely seen it; maybe the fact that Putin's sabotage is so transparent is why he hasn't written about it.

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