SocraticGadfly: #AbandonBiden is lying to itself

June 24, 2024

#AbandonBiden is lying to itself

Or, at a minimum, one of the leaders of the move to vote "Uncommitted" is lying to herself. 

Michael Arria of Mondoweiss, like me, rightly wondered where this movement goes now that the Democratic National Convention is nearly hear and #GenocideJoe has sewn up the nomination. (He forgot to mention Team Biden's push to make much of the convention "virtual" to keep Chicago 2024 from becoming Chicago 1968, but we'll set that aside.)

So, he interviewed Listen to Michigan Co-Director Lexis Zeidan.

Here's his big ask, question No. 3:

I’m wondering how you think this movement can exert pressure on the Biden administration. I’m also wondering how many supporters will never vote for Biden based on what’s happened so far vs. how many might support him if they see some tangible shifts.

And, her schwaffling response:

To go back to your original question around exerting pressure on the Biden administration, and this is a conversation I’ve been having quite often, the Uncommitted Movement didn’t get started to particularly highlight this Trump versus Biden election. I think a lot of the conversation that people are having is around the idea of Trump vs. Biden, but I think really that the pressure is being exerted to shift the Democratic Party in general around its human rights policies when it comes to Palestinians.


The schwaffling gets better when Zeidan ignores third-party options.

At the end of the day, we’re not here to save Biden and we’re not here to hand this election over to Biden. We’re also most definitely not here to hand this this election over to Trump. This core base is a Democratic base.

If she's an activist, even of kiddie-pool age, she either should know or does know that there are alternatives outside the duopoly. Probably a DSA Rosey.

Finally, the lying to herself/themselves? This:

We really want to ensure that our delegate are uplifting Palestinian human rights and voices at the DNC. I think this presence is vital in both pushing the party towards more human policies, similar to the efforts by civil rights activists of the 1960s, and really trying to continue to exert pressure on Biden, the administration, and the party to really shift course on Gaza as quickly as possible.

Is spoken as if they think it will happen.

It won't, Zeidan, so again, what are you going to do next? Keep lying to yourself? Pull a Jerry Rubin and sell defense stocks on Wall Street?

So, if she's representative of #AbandonBiden in general, that movement can go fuck off. I would give Zeidan a kiddie-pool pass if she didn't explicitly double and triple down on duopoly-only politics.

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