SocraticGadfly: Texas 2036 tries to ignore away climate change

May 01, 2024

Texas 2036 tries to ignore away climate change

ForFor the unfamiliar, Texas 2036 is a Texas think tank that, because of Texas exceptionalism, focuses on Texas issues. Its top level staff and advisors are primarily old Bushies, like Shrub's Secretary of Education, Margaret Spellings. Its raison d'etre is to play footside with ConservaDems in the mutually delusional belief that they can stop the Tin Dunnification of TEx-ass, including, perhaps, the Christian nationalism (a phrase Christofascist Dunn rejects.

Anyway, to the smackdown.

Texas 2036 last week had a piece about increasingly extreme weather in Tex-ass. Covers the usual ground: More drought, more wildfires, etc.

Missing? The phrase "climate change."

Now, it says at top that it's just a precis of a newsletter, but, if I'm not a ConservaDem, if you're offering me that as bait, why would I be interested?

And, that's essentially a lie anyway. I clicked the link up top and the MailChimp e-newsletter is totally the same as the web piece.

Besides that? Look at that graphic at left? If you're chiding people for setting their air conditioning at 68, you're giving them a fucking pass to set it at 70. And, that's a picture of AC, not heating.

Shock me that this would interest the likes of Kuff.

And, yeah, I'm at the point of bitching on him ever more.

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