SocraticGadfly: By his silence, Charles Kuffner of Off the Kuff is a Zionist

May 03, 2024

By his silence, Charles Kuffner of Off the Kuff is a Zionist

Charles Kuffner of Off the Kuff as in the organizer of the Texas Progressives: Zionist by silence over saying nothing about the DPS crushing of pro-Palestinian protestors at UT. Nor, at that link, about Strangeabbott's applauding the DPS. Nor has he said anything about UT faculty planning to give president Jay Hartzell a vote of no confidence over HIS applauding the DPS. (Nor did the Trib mention, as did Truthout, that this is really a faculty call for a teaching strike.) Nor has he said anything about UT administration spouting hasbara bullshit. Or, it's spouting more hasbara bullshit, namely, the conflation of antizionism and antisemitism. And, the protest was peaceful, period and end of story.

Moved from this week's Texas Progressives roundup? As written: The Austin Chronicle reports on UT faculty's reaction to the protest debacle, with Kuff not talking about WHICH protest.

Nor has Kuff said anything about Zionists "phoning in" a discrimination complaint to prevent students from voting on divestment measures. (Sadly, neither has the Trib.)

Kuff is a straight-up #BlueAnon who wouldn't dare to call out President #GenocideJoe Biden, ConservaDem Senate candidate Colin Allred or anything like that.

And, Rice and UT-Austin are both in Tex-ass, and Rice is even in Kuff's backyard in Houston, so no excuses on the claim this is something "national."

That's as Stace calls out elected officials in the Helltown area for their silence. Stace, do Kuff next. (I mentioned this Wednesday evening, commenting on a Kuff piece where he wrote about SCOTUS refusing to do an emergency review of Texas' online porn-age verification law.)

This is all as a new leak of a State Department memo indicates four bureaus within it say Israel's in noncompliance, or appears to be, on human rights violations. SoS Tony Blinken, per the piece, is supposed to report to Congress by May 8 whether or not Israel is in violation.

Kuff has had more than a full week since I wrote this to write about something other than early voting updates for non-partisan local elections in Houston.

And, with the House passing the fraudulently named "Antisemitism Awareness Act," HR 6090, Kuff also faces a point-blank political issue, namely in ConservaDem butt-sniffer and Senate nominee Colin Allred, as well as the increasingly fraudulent Sheila Jackson Lee, from right down there in Houston, both voting for the bill.

(That said, Kuff never updates the peripherals of his blog. He's got sites on his blogroll that have been dead since COVID hit, or earlier. He doesn't have me on there, even though I've been part of the Texas Progressives Alliance for a decade or more. That's said as lead-up to the fact that I don't think he ever even looks at comments.)

Update, May 8: The University of Houston is also cracking down on pro-Palestinian protestors. Right in Kuff's backyard. Crickets from him. He has had his friend of some sort Ginger, from Dallas, post about crackdowns there in what seems to be a weekly post from her. But, he himself has yet to write one post about any of the protests.

Update, May 19: Kuff still can't talk about the thuggish repression here in Tex-ass of pro-Palestinian protestors at Texas public universities, but CAN talk about Ernie Johnson helping a bar mitzvah.

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