SocraticGadfly: Nancy Pelosi — the Goebbels of San Francisco

February 27, 2024

Nancy Pelosi — the Goebbels of San Francisco

It's become a commonplace in the last week for people on Twitter to call Eylon Levy, one of the nation of Israel's (as in official government) top hasbara blatherers, the "Goebbels of Gaza."

In that case, Nancy Pelosi is the Goebbels of San Francisco.

Not content to call people like Code Pink, directly, and people like me, indirectly, agents of Putin for protesting the genocide in Gaza, she recently claimed that no U.S. weapons are being used in this genocide. Mondoweiss has the details.

What else can we say about this blatant of lying when she knows better?

Sidebar: Per Richard Medhurst, who is right at times and a flat crackpot at times (including fellating Bashar al-Assad), it's interesting to note that Levy is also another one of those hyphenated Israelis.

Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders is in the running to be the Goebbels of Burlington:

If he keeps that shit up.

Or this shit:


A week on from this original post, Bernie is somewhat increasing his criticism of Israel, but not a lot and is not at all increasing his criticism of Biden for kowtowing to Netanyahu. And, he still won't use the word "genocide."

And, for any Berner blank-checkers who say, "But Bernie's family," I respond: "But Norman Finkelstein's family."

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