SocraticGadfly: Texas CD 26: Answer me this, Democrats

February 14, 2022

Texas CD 26: Answer me this, Democrats

How can you have NObody running in your primary for the 26th Congressional District?

Sure, redistricting made it more reddish, but not wingnut, not totally. Yes, the city of Denton itself is no longer in the district, but the rest of Denton County is. The county as a whole had a less than 10-point gap in the 2020 presidential election. And, incumbent Michael Burgess took a flat 60 percent against a credible opponent in 2020.

Plus, he has the odious stain (in addition to being a Tea Partier and now a MAGAt) of voting not to certify the 2020 presidential election.

Shit, even Ronny Jackson has a Democratic opponent.

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