SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives: Coronavirus, Week 23 briefs

September 09, 2020

Texas Progressives: Coronavirus, Week 23 briefs

This corner of the Texas Progressives recommends starting with this thread on Twitter by Andy Slavitt.

Dr. Peter Hotez gives a dozen reasons why he's worried about releasing a COVID-19 vaccine through an emergency use authorization (EUA). More on that here, as Stephen Hahn becomes ever more of a Trump toady. It's not just having no political savvy or backbone; he's entered toady territory.

Not to worry, says The Atlantic. Drug companies are banding together to resist political pressure and Trump's own Operation Warp Speed guy says no vaccine will be available until the middle of next year.

Sadly, someone like New York Times science writer Carl Zimmer still doesn't seem to be getting that message, or else he's focused on NYT page clicks first, science second. Twice in the last month, his "Elk" e-newsletters in my email have focused on things he claims will happen this year.

Meanwhile, even as the lethality level of COVID drops (which is to be expected, wingnuts; after all, the more vulnerable die first), colleges are the new superspreader sites. And, yes, blame the students. They're 18 or older and shouldn't need parental or collegiate nannies. For frats throwing maskless parties? Take a page from Dean Wormer and revoke their charters.

Coronavirus conspiracy theorists are as sick, no, vicious (they're not mentally ill in a technical sense of "sick") as Seth Rich conspiracy theorists.

COVID continues to hit state and local budgets hard. The Tex-ass Legislature with its banana republic every other year schedule is likely going to be a shitstorm.

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