SocraticGadfly: Joey Dauben situation goes from bad to worse

May 04, 2012

Joey Dauben situation goes from bad to worse

It's been a while since I've checked in on the situation on Ellis County, south suburban Dallas, and its Walter Mitty/William Randolph Hearst in his own mind pseudo-muckraking "journalist" Joey Dauben.

The would-be muckraker had a "backfire" late last year, though, being arrested for sexual assault as an early Christmas present.

For a basic early take on him by me, see here. For fluff from a bored week at the Dallas Observer, see this Joey Dauben profile.

So, it's no surprise he claimed the arrest was a big conspiracy.

Anyway, it might be  good news that Dauben's original $200K bond was lowered to $50K and he's out right now. On the other hand, he has to wear an ankle monitor and refrain from Internet usage. That will just kill him.

AND ... he had to surrender the Ellis County Observer website to the state. He's fighting that, but, right now, the site is blank.

Dauben says he plans to fight the issue, which he still says is part of a conspiracy.

I've got another question.

Given that the sexual assault charge, a "statuatory" case, was against a male, that Dauben has been vociferously homophobic and that there's evidence that that is "repressive," and that the Dallas Voice, Dallas's GLBT paper, is covering this so extensively ....

"Joey, are you gay?"

Seriously. It's a legitimate question. If Joey doesn't want to talk himself, then, if David Webb at the Dallas Voice has any more info, he should speak up.

Update, March 16, 2013: I had a new light bulb pop on tonight. Joey Dauben reminds me of a slightly less mature James O'Keefe of Breitbart fame, detailed here in all his sordidness. 

Update 2, July 19, 2017: How did Dauben know that a mayor of tiny little Henderson County burg Seven Points, way away from Ellis County, was gay unless Dauben has a gay grapevine or good gay gaydar?

And, why did you feel compelled to say "I'm not gay"?

Joey, you're in prison because of repression and denial, IMO.


Update, Aug. 22, 2021: Besides "Sunflower" and his other groupies who trailed him, at the Ellis County Observer, Dauben had as one of his flunkies a guy named Ali Akbar, who also allegedly was working on the Texas effort for John McCain's 2008 presidential campaign. Today, you know him as "Stop the Steal" thief Ali Alexander. Dauben, per this piece, back then thought Akbar (already then a convicted felon) was shady as shit, claiming that Akbar/Alexander had talked back then of ways to rig an election. And, if Joey Dauben thought that ...
Update, April 17, 2023: Akbar/Alexander now accused of soliciting "dick pics" from followers of Nick Fuentes. Says he's been "battling" same-sex attraction. Uses "so gay" as a slur. Statement, via Twitter, claims he's done nothing illegal. Other than possibly breaking the law if any of these were of minors (and hence highly illegal), sounds like he needs to stop battling and start accepting being bisexual. Plus, it's all about the money. Milo Yiannopoulos (THAT Milo) ratted on him after he and Fuentes cut him out of a "potentially lucrative" position with Kanye West's presidential run. (Was this 2020, or is he looking at another in 2024? YE gads.) And, rats like Marjorie Taylor Greene are trying to dissociate from both. 

Akbar/Alexander new update, Feb. 16, 2025: More on the Alexander is allegedly gay. Gives a whole new angle to his connection to Dauben. 


JohnRHuffJr said...
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Gadfly said...

Given his political stances, and that he's made himself a public figure, it's the business of the public in general, John. Happening to know Joey personally, I can confidently say that.

Just Sayin' said...

John, perhaps when Joey told you he wasn't gay, it was really just his way of letting you down gently because he's just not that into you.

I've seen you around and you creep me out.

Gadfly said...

To add to my previous comment to John, if part of the reason Joey was on an anti-gay crusade, and more to the point, if part of the reason he targeted particular individuals, was because of repression, or even repression and personal involvement with some of his targets, it's very very much in the public's interest for two reasons:

1. "Goes to motive" and "goes to character" re Joey's arrest and trial;
2. Given that his target were public servants, goes to credibility on other reporting of his.