SocraticGadfly: Howard Dean: On mosques like gay marriage

August 20, 2010

Howard Dean: On mosques like gay marriage

Don't forget that the allegedly progressive Howard Dean has never come out in favor of gay marriage. Don't forget that he did NOT take the lead on gay civil unions when governor of Vermont, but was basically presented a fait accompli by the state legislature.

Therefore, his original ignorance-based opposition to the Park51 Islamic civic center/mosque is now, unsurprisingly, followed by a mushy, Obama-esque plea for "compromise." Not "equal protection" of the First Amendment.

Picture him saying words like this to gay marriage proponents:
This has nothing to do with the right to build, and unlike same-sex marriage or the civil rights movement, it is not about equal protection under the law. The rights of the builders are not in dispute. This is about ending the poisonous atmosphere engendered by fear and hate, and in order to do that there has to be genuine listening, hearing and willingness to compromise on both sides.

Way to take a stand! Well, you're better than Harry Reid.

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