SocraticGadfly: Aug. 19 healthcare reform roundup

August 19, 2009

Aug. 19 healthcare reform roundup

First, Rasmussen, a GOP-leaning polling outfit, saying support for heathcare reform drops sharply without a public option in the mix.

Meanwhile, Whole Foods CEO John Mackey is still getting his ears pinned back, largely by previously naïve people.

Somewhat libertarian conservative Kathleen Parker, on the other hand, opines Go Shop Mackey. But, as the link above this notes, WallyWorld sells more organics than Whole Foods. And, you can buy brown rice and black beans at lots of places, for less money.

Then, Steve Pearlstein of all people says the public option is NOT a breaking point on this issue.

Lastly, Nat Hentoff, of all people, drinks the “death panel” Kool-Aid.

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