SocraticGadfly: Aug. 10 healthcare roundup

August 10, 2009

Aug. 10 healthcare roundup

Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi and Majority Leader Steny Hoyer say it’s un-American to shout down differences of opinion.

Well, it might contravene some American ideals, but in reality, it’s been done for about the entire length of existence of our republic. And, Declaration of Independence aside, the reality of America has rarely been about ideals.

Meanwhile, Robert Reich says that Obama’s deal with Big Pharma — cost controls on its part for patent extensions and other goodies — is “a precarious road -- and wherever it leads, it's not toward democracy.”

No, it’s a road that leads toward 2010 and 2012 campaign cash for the “liberal” president who opted out of public campaign financing.

Meanwhile, the country slouches toward Obama’s town hall in New Hampshire.

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