SocraticGadfly: Polar bears and the worst Cabinet member not named Geithner

May 12, 2009

Polar bears and the worst Cabinet member not named Geithner

Last Friday, by accepting very narrow, weak BushCo defenses of polar bears, Interior Secretary Ken Salazar officially showed himself the worst Obama Cabinet member not named Tim Geithner.

I both laughed and shook my head five months ago when Sierra Club and the other Gang Green enviro groups lauded Salazar’s nomination, knowing how full of crap they were.

Specifically, Salazar is wrong that the Endangered Species Act was specifically intended to be limited to local species problems only. With animals such as bald eagles and peregrine falcons, and a universal pollutant such as DDT, his argument is directly undercut, in fact.

So, Time, in the linked story, is also wrong in supporting his argument.

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