SocraticGadfly: Darth Cheney vs. The One –loser? Winner?

May 22, 2009

Darth Cheney vs. The One –loser? Winner?

First, by apparently deliberately showing up late to the National Archives to make sure he could bump former Vice President Dick Cheney off live TV, President Barack Obama clearly won one part of their dueling speech showdown on the War on Terra. (Yes, we’re attacking Latin earth.)

But, that’s itself part of the problem. The only real winner there was the concept of “presidentialism,” which both support. The loser there?

The American public, as it continues to be.

But, let’s look beyond that at the tale of the actual speech tapes. Here, too, the loser was the public, in part because Obama was too charitable to Bush-Cheney:
“Unfortunately, faced with an uncertain threat, our government made a series of hasty decisions. And I believe that those decisions were motivated by a sincere desire to protect the American people.”

I don’t believe that, and neither do the leaders of the civil liberties groups that were in the White House Wednesday, I’m sure. We believe that, from the top, the decision to “take the gloves off” was:
• Deliberated, rather than hasty:
• Motivated by the desire to establish American hegemony;
• Motivated by doctrinaire neo-con foreign policy beliefs; and
• Motivated by the desire to wipe 9/11 eggs off BushCo’s collective face.

Obama’s charity toward Uncle Fester? That, too, is ultimately part of presidentialism, which won the day by TKO.

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