SocraticGadfly: Team Obama starts crapping on Chris Dodd

March 18, 2009

Team Obama starts crapping on Chris Dodd

What else can you call the clusterfuck of fingerpointing by the Obama Administration against the Connecticut Senator over AIG bonuses, even as President Barack Obama himself says Geither has his full confidence.

How’d we get here? Ask Geithner why he pushed to REMOVE retroactivity on bonus checks from the final version of the 2009 lenders’ bailout bill; a provision Dodd inserted in the Senate version.

And now, Obama completes the crapping with more bullshit, this time over the alleged need for a new financial regulatory agency.

Or ask this head up his ass Kossack why he doesn’t get it, even as I laugh in schadenfreude at the other Kossacks posting there telling him his “greatest president in history” needs to do something to earn the honor.

I’m laughing in schadenfreude because, three or so years ago, people like that helped get me banned.

Beyond that is the issue of the transparency of Team Obama lies. It must be something else it picked up from BushCo and decided to keep.

I mean, this one is a couple of steps short, even, of “the dog ate my homework.”

Remember when Obama said he wasn’t worried about conservative attacks because he’d been through Chicago politics? Well, shamefully, he’s showing just how much he learned.

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