SocraticGadfly: The abysmal state of Texas sex education

March 02, 2009

The abysmal state of Texas sex education

When a MALE high school student wonders aloud about his cervical cancer risk, you know that “just say no,” abstinence-only and Korean War-era leftover Army VD films and other scare tactics, being used for what Gov. Helmethair and the Texas Education Agency euphmemistically call sex education is an utter flop.

And, that’s not the only problem. We also have illegal church-state mixtures, sexual stereotypes and more:
One abstinence-only program used in 53 school district says women need “financial support,” while men need “domestic support,” according to the report.

Some Texas classrooms mix religious instruction and Bible study into sex education programs.

“Hardly a page can be found that does not include multiple references to Bible verses, invocation of Christian principles, even attempts to proselytize students with the Christian plan of salvation,” the report states about a program called Wonderful Days used by three districts in the Fort Worth area.

Inaccuracies are also an issue. Condom failure rates, only about 2-3 percent in reality, are often taught as being as high as 20 percent. If not with the individual teachers, with the level of curriculum writing, I suspect that’s deliberate.

It’s all laid out in an executive study of the survey.

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