SocraticGadfly: Obama tanks for Bush again

February 21, 2009

Obama tanks for Bush again

And, once again, it’s on an issue of government openness.

Just.Another.Politician.™ is reportedly trying to kill the lawsuit seeking millions of “missing” Bush White House e-mails.

The Obama Department of Justice is continuing Bush DOJ efforts to kill the lawsuit.
“The new administration seems no more eager than the last” to deal with the issue, said Anne Weismann, chief counsel for Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington.

Kool-Aid drinkers, still ready to tout the “change”? (Other than the loose change in the WH sofas.)

So far, from a stimulus bill on down, Obama’s not doing anything more than Hillary Clinton would have done by this point. Whether she could have done a better, or a worse job, on herding Democratic cats in Congress on the stimulus bill is an open question, of course.

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