SocraticGadfly: No wonder Rahmbo and Obama are hiding behind Fitz’s skirts

December 17, 2008

No wonder Rahmbo and Obama are hiding behind Fitz’s skirts

The Sun-Times moves the Blagosphere down the road by revealing that President-elect Barack Obama’s planned White House chief of staff, Illinois Congressman Rahm Emanuel, spoke directly to Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s chief of staff, John Harris, pushed Blago to name Valerie Jarrett to Obama’s Senate seat, AND to get it done by a certain time.

Assuming this is true (and, yes, I know that on the op-ed pages, at least the Sun-Times is Chitown’s more conservative paper), Obama’s going to need until next week to figure out what to say next.

Obviously, if Rahmbo was perceived as speaking officially for Obama, his mention of not only Jarrett as the preferred person, but also a preferred timeline, put Blago in the seller’s catbird seat. Let’s say he named a high, but non-monetary, rather, political quid pro quo, price at that point. And, the fun started then.

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