SocraticGadfly: Can California gays gag Gavin Newsom?

October 23, 2008

Can California gays gag Gavin Newsom?

And put a boot in Feinstein's ass?

If Proposition 8 wins in California, in addition to the
massive Mormon funding (part of the LDS’ out-Dobsoning Dobson in the West), it will also be due in no small part to the San Francisco mayor’s big mouth, in your face attitude and overt politicization of his office on this issue.

Meanwhile, both Google and Sen. Betty Crocker, I mean Dianne Feinstein, have been AWOL on the issue. Feinstein only issued a statement against Prop. 8 under pressure, and Google’s been letting “Yes on 8” ads be planted on progressive blogs via Google AdSense, even though the story notes the ads probably violate Google policies. And, not just local ones — even Crooks and Liars and FiveThirtyEight. (Is it laziness, being asleep at the switch or greed?)

Anyway, if Newsom needs duct tape or a cork, Feinstein and Sergey Brin need boots up their asses.

And, for more on the Mormon moolah backing Prop 8 — it’s as high as 40 percent of total funding.

Also, go here for a bit of Sierra Club hypocrisy on Prop. 8. With Sierra’s recent history, did Executive Director Carl Pope ask Clorox’s position on Prop. 8 or something?

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