SocraticGadfly: Keep McCain away from red button

September 02, 2008

Keep McCain away from red button

Brave New Films has a fellow Vietnam POW directly saying Schmuck Talk is unfit for the job as Tuesday night’s keynote speaker.
“The world is such a dangerous place and he has shown himself already to be bellicose,” Phillip Butler says. "John McCain is not somebody that I would like to see with his finger near the red button.”

At the same time, this is Reason No. 323 Obama was stupid to push MoveOn to fold up its 527 operations for the duration of the presidential campaign.

It sounds like the type of hard-hitting work MORE independent political organizations should be doing. And publicizing, if not doing themselves.

But, Obama told MoveOn he wants to play PPP (Post-Partisan Politics™) and it needed to be quiet.

And, Eli and staff were dumb enough to agree.

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