SocraticGadfly: Rick Perry sure to solidify his RINO status in Texas

October 17, 2007

Rick Perry sure to solidify his RINO status in Texas

His endorsement of Rudy Giuliani can’t help but draw fire from social conservatives. Perry signaled it could be a problem precisely through how he attempted to downplay it. Referring to Rudy’s pro-choice stance on abortion, we have:
Perry said when he buys a pickup truck, he doesn't rule it out simply because it has one option he doesn't like.

But, Gov. Helmethair then contradicted himself:
“The one (issue) that I wanted to hear him give me an answer and look me right in my eyes was that issue of who can I expect, what type of individual can I expect on the Supreme Court,” Perry said at a news conference with Giuliani.

You just admitted you’re OK with him being pro-choice; does that then mean you’re OK with the pro-choice justices he’ll name?

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