SocraticGadfly: What’s Rove got that Fitz wants?

October 28, 2005

What’s Rove got that Fitz wants?

In other words, why didn’t special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald indict White House Assistant Chief of Staff Karl Rove?

If rumor is true that Rove turned down a plea bargain to one count of perjury, it certainly means that Fitz has got more arrows than that in his quiver.

I don’t think he offered Rove the plea because his case is significantly weaker than that against Libby.

Instead, he needs Rove, along with what he’s already got from Libby, to go higher up the food chain. And, we know there’s not much higher up the food chain.

And, if Karl’s not going to play ball, with a reimpaneled grand jury, Fitz can get more lesser fry in the White House to lay more at Rove’s door.

That’s my take on where we’re at right now.

Raw Story confirms me on this.

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