SocraticGadfly: Gitmo courtroom clusterfuck is emblematic

May 07, 2008

Gitmo courtroom clusterfuck is emblematic

Sound systems that don’t work. Closed-circuit broadcasts that freeze up.

No, it’s not likely that the “state-of-the-art” (state of what art, Iraq Green Zone no-bid contracts?) $12 million courthouse $12 million courthouse for Guantanamo detainees won’t have any trials wrapped up in time to provide icing for John McCain’s 100 Years War election bid.

And, with growth in the movement by some Guantanamo detainees to, in essence, boycott their own trials, Schmuck Talk Express™ would only get show trials, anyway.

Speaking of Gitmo, none of the 2 1/2 remaining major-party presidential candidates has talked much yet about the nearly seven year of wrongful incarceration of Sudanese journalist Sami al-Haj.

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