And yes, family and friends still in that denomination, President-for-Life of the LCMS Matthew Harrison, fresh off putting "lutefash" in a containment box without actually taking it out tot he dumpster, is full of crap — hypocritical crap — in his response to Trump surrogate and general nutter Michael Flynn.
Flynn, per that link, attacked Lutheran Immigration Refugee Services for getting large federal grants for ... uh, helping immigrants. That's even though the LCMS, unlike Rome, can't see its way to doing social justice while remaining theologically conservative.
Flynn, one of Elmo Musk's DOGE-y minions, is of course peddling twaddle.
So is Matty in his response.
Here's the start of that hypocrisy. Matty says:
We don’t say much to or about the government.
Then goes on to talk extensively about the government indeed.
We have suffered formal legal action and much more as we have watched as DEI philosophy (formally rejected by our church body along with white supremacy) has pervaded nearly every aspect of government activity, even as the U.S. government has burgeoned beyond all ethical and rational propriety, in effect stealing the future from our children.
Talking about the size of government in general is talking about government in general. The "taxation is theft" that appears to be in the background of that last line is bigger bullshit, as it's Trump who has run up large parts of the federal budget deficit, Reagan who started it, and Dick Cheney in between who said "deficits don't matter."
Matty doubles down later, while claiming it's "just me, not the LCMS":
Let me just note (and this is NOT an official position of the LCMS): I’m personally pleased with DOGE. The federal government is bloated beyond all rational limits. It can’t fund its activities without accumulating debt. And it’s failing in its basic tasks.
First, Federal spending ticked up during COVID, yes, but since then, has returned to close to its historic 60-year norm. See the St. Louis Fed. St. Louis, where you are, Matty. Let's add that, in 1998-2001, we actually ran budget surpluses. Gee (with carryover to fiscal 2001) what party controlled the presidency then, Matt? Arguably, you're violating the Eighth Commandment (Lutheran-Catholic-Anglican-Orthodox numbering) by bearing false witness against a political party.
In fact, Trump himself, on Super Bowl Sunday, just blathered to Bret Baier about $36 trillion in national debt without admitting his first term, he was responsible for one-quarter of that.
Matty also ignores that the Slickster, Bill Clinton, had a balanced budget at the end of his second term. (He didn't push for cutting military spending more, though.)
And again, this is talking about government.
And, because the devil supposedly loves a bible-quoting secularist, now would be the time for Romans 13, I believe:
Let every person be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God. 2 Therefore whoever resists authority resists what God has appointed, and those who resist will incur judgment
There you are, Matt.
As Jesus said at the end of the tale of the Good Samaritan? Maybe you should "go and do likewise"?
DEI? Most of it is a capitalist pile of junk. (See above about Rome and social justice, vis-a-vis at least excessive capitalism.) And, no, Matt, even if there is a god, he, she or it didn't invent capitalism. When done rightly, as Costco knows, it's good for business and its good ethics as well.
You didn't mention critical race theory, but I'll but you at least have personal, if not official, thoughts about it. Well, they would be wrong; of that I have no doubt.
I can say that with confidence for two reasons. The first is that most White wingnuts blather about critical race theory without knowing what it is. The second is that I've read "Silent Covenants" by Derrick Bell, one of the developers of critical race theory, and thus DO know something about it directly, and found it informative and more good than bad.
Let's next do a gotcha call-out, Matt. You say at the end:
At the same time, a well-regulated border, sound immigration policy, and welcoming space for persecuted refugees are all fundamental parts of a God-pleasing answer to the question:
OK, what's your answer to the genocide in Gaza? I already know. Your denomination hasn't called it a genocide, AFAIK, and has basically ignored it and the countless refugees Israel has created. (The LCMS is fundamentalist in its own way, but not evangelical millennialists, so it has no reason to expect Israel to bring on Armageddon.)
For that matter, since we're talking primarily about Hispanics, and you ARE talking about the government, what's your personal — and denominational leadership — take on the United States' history of coups and other meddling in Latin America that destabilizes countries and creates refugees?
But, then let's get to the rhetorical question that follows.
Who will contribute to this marvelous and blessed American experiment?
THAT, my "dear sir," is clearly untheological. The "United States of America" is not in Christian scriptures, and to claim the "American experiment" is "blessed" as an implication that it is, and so is a theological lie. It's about as much a lie as the drivel from the Gun Nuts for Luther group which out of thin air implies there's a biblical, god-given right to gunz. It also is a violation of at least the spirit of the First Amendment you claim to love.
It should also be noted that German-Americans broke harder for Trump than any other white ethnic group, apparently driven in fair part by their liking in 2016 his claims to breaking with the neoconservatives within the GOP and having a more isolationist stance in his "America First," and the LCMS' roots are primarily in German-Americans.
Many of these people are "alt-white" types. And, let us note that Harrison is palling around with racists. And he knows this.
I said on my original piece about the Lutefash that Harrison was enough of a political chameleon to largely stay above the fray. To the degree he thinks it's too much heavy lifting, he'll ignore the underground network of pastors and congregations, of which I only scratched the surface in that initial piece.
That may or may not still be true. But, on secular politics, I guess he just can't help himself.
Beyond the above, Harrison has big financial fish to fry, namely the Hot Chalk lawsuit and others over the LCMS' abrupt closure a couple of years ago of Concordia University Portland. Harrison's mixing of secular politics and church governance was a factor in how the pooch was screwed in its closing, too, further showing what a hypocrite and liar he is. (Let's not even count the timing on Portland's close blocking easy student transfers that academic year.) So, too, was his eye on the dollar signs CUP was generating with Hot Chalk.
Add this to Matty's political chameleon behavior, too. The Boy Scouts of America a couple of years ago voted to accept gay Scouts, but not leaders. So, Harrison went down the Bill Clinton route of 30 years ago and saying it's "don't ask don't tell" on gay Scouts at troops affiliated with LCMS congregations, and beyond that, in a legal memorandum of understanding, individual congregations still have the right to boot Scout troops. And, contra Rev. Bart Day, no, sexuality was always an issue in the BSA, until it decided to do its split-the-difference bullshit, presumably on grounds that gay Scoutmasters would be "groomers." (This ignores the BSA's long history of tolerating sexual abuse by Scoutmasters, of course, with Harrison and his LCMS predecessors aiding and abetting that.)
Updates of various sorts:
First, in response to an old college friend on Facebook? It IS my business because, per that neocon Lutheran political pundit (and moderate ex-LCMS theologically), Richard John Neuhaus, Harrison is operating in the public square, per a famous Neuhaus phrase, and influencing members' political views in the process. So, Keith, if you or some other LCMS member want to vote Trump on bad political information, that's your choice. But, when the peddler of bad information is operating in the public square, calling them out is my choice.
Second, per the ex-Lutheran subreddit, Harrison is also lying about current LCMS membership levels.
So, Matt Harrison is a serial liar.
I would say "Here I stand, I can do no other" as a bit of additional mocking, but of course (OF COURSE!) Luther never actually said that. It's just another part of 24-karat gilt Luther legend. FAR more of that legend is exposed here.
From that second link, this observation of mine:
The "yes I'm right" stance of Luther himself, not only vis-a-vis things where he clearly was, but other issues, such as versus the Reformed on the Eucharist, versus many Reformed and other Lutherans on the issue of adiophora and more, seems to still run strong in much of the conservative wing of Lutheranism. (Let's not forget that Luther thought he was competent to condemn Copernicus' heliocentric theory of the solar system, and rushed to do so when his book was published.)
Is quite pertinent to the situation at hand.
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