SocraticGadfly: Third-party news roundup

December 05, 2024

Third-party news roundup

The Green Party's Jill Stein and Party for Socialism and Liberation's Claudia de la Cruz will be among individual leaders in an ANSWER-connected National Day of Action Jan. 20. That should give genocide-backing Cort Greene a coronary and set off his blather-meter. Dood? Do you hunt down every third-party commenter?


The Liberal Party, the libertarians who broke from the Libertarian Party — the fourth-place Libertarian Party that imploded this election — when they could no longer tolerate the Mises Mice, have announced details of their planned initial convention this weekend. Former Illinois Congresscritter (presumably former on the GOP as well) will be keynote speaker. (I still say that in states where they had a friendly state Libertarian Party, or an independent group planning on joining the new org, they should have run their own presidential line this year, but they didn't. Not being officially organized yet may have been one reason.) And, interesting is that former Liberertarian National Committee Chairman Whitney Bilyeu will be on one panel. Will the Mice get indignant, even trash-talking indignant, or will they try to ignore this?


On the "imploded" issue, neither IPR nor Richard Winger's Ballot Access News has yet to discuss it in depth. Will it come up at that Liberal Party confab? 


Meanwhile, per Independent Political Report (where the main links for the first two came from) the Mice continue to have a hard-on for Brainworm Bobby, even as he lies about "always" being a libertarian. Dood, there was nothing libertarian about your old stance on environmentalism.


Also per IPR, Green Party vice presidential candidate Butch Ware has confirmed he plans to run for governor on the VP line in 2026.


I'm with the Colorado GP: Why IS Colorado's Democratic governor, Jared Polis, sporting a hard-on for Brainworm Bobby to run Health and Human Services? The hard-on is weird in its particulars, too.

Polis not only supports Brainworm Bobby as an antivaxxer, he thinks Trump will actually do something about RFK's call for drug pricing parity when Trump said nothing about it in his first term. Ditto, on FDA doing more to regulate kids' meds or whatever Brainworm is proposing.

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