SocraticGadfly: Once again, Democrats aren't democratic

August 14, 2024

Once again, Democrats aren't democratic

Current and former Green Party voters have seen this play out before, not only in attempts to block presidential candidates like Jill Stein, but in North Carolina, particularly egregious, trying to block people like GP Senate candidate Matthew Hoh in the past.

And, we've seen it here in Tex-ass, so none of this is a surprise here. Nor is the 2024 version.

Brainworm Bobby is officially on the Tex-ass ballot. Kuff "loves this," of course, even linking to a story that Tex-ass DemocRats might sue to keep him off the ballot. I've let him know that this is nothing new in hypocrisy from the left hand of the duopoly. Speaking of, Brainworm Bobby just won his suit against North Carolina Dems. But now, Maine Dems are suing him and Cornel West.

DemocRats are now trying to block Stein, or at least her electoral slate, in Wisconsin

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