SocraticGadfly: TPA belated roundup from being on vacation

July 29, 2024

TPA belated roundup from being on vacation

Posting the roundup for the week of July 22.

The Texas Progressive Alliance mourns the passing of Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee as it brings you this week's roundup.

 Off the Kuff had more to say about Hurricane Beryl and its aftermath

. SocraticGadfly looked at cities being cheap by eliminating swimming pools. ==================================== 

 And here are some posts of interest from other Texas blogs.

 Nonsequiteuse eulogizes Rep. Jackson Lee. 

 Matt Angle begs the media to not rewrite Donald Trump's sordid history. 

The Dallas Observer reports on a Ken Paxton parody website.

 The Current is unimpressed by Elon Musk's business moves. 

 The Eyewall knocks down the myth of "it's just a Category 1 hurricane".

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