SocraticGadfly: Texas Progressives talk this and that

April 09, 2024

Texas Progressives talk this and that

Former Texas House Speaker Joe Straus publicly confirmed the long-rumored last week: Christofascist Tim Dunn indeed did make antisemitic (being directed to the Jewish Straus) and more broadly Christian nationalist comments about government leaders needing to be Christian. Effect it will have on today's Texas GOP? Near zero.

Operation Lone Star has officially backfired with the arrest of a Texas National Guardsman for smuggling. I'm surprised this hasn't happened before, while adding that maybe it has happened and this is just the first time somebody's been caught.

SocraticGadfly, riffing on The Nation, has some critical thoughts about Richard Linklater and Lawrence Wright as squishes, based on Wright's HBO series.

Ball-less Texas House Rethuglicans, vis-a-vis the Smokehouse Fire, apparently don't believe in subpoeanas. (I assume the hearing was being conducted under auspices of the Texas House and thus had subpoena power.)

Off the Kuff sighs and reviews one more whiny sore loser election lawsuit in Harris County.

John Devine: the Clarence Thomas of the Texas Supreme Court

Interesting piece on school districts in or near the path of eclipse totality deciding whether or not to cut classes that day. Also interesting is the idea that Kerrville is "tiny." At 25,000, it most certainly is not. A. It's not. B. This is not the first time I've seen this type of rural-urban divide bullshit from the Trib.

Two Denton ISD principals indicted for electioneering. I hope a plea deal means no jail time, but contra the Texas chapter of American Federation of Teachers, they WERE electioneering with school district email. Pure and simple.

TxDOT is a bunch of thugs about I-45 in Houston. (That said, it's my experience that in other states, traffic engineers in general have an arrogant "we know best" attitude.)

Meet the Democrats for Ted Cruz phenomenon.

Why is the Texas Public Policy Foundation getting a tax break not really meant for it and why is weaselshit Comptroller Glenn Hegar not being more forthcoming?

The Fifth Circuit has, very interestingly, sided WITH a state prison inmate who sued TDCJ, stating that 3.5 hours of sleep a night was cruel and unusual punishment. Weirdly and sadly, multiple times in this ruling process, the appellate court has had to override federal district courts who "aren't getting the memo."

Neil at the Houston Democracy Project said vote in the HCAD races & demand local elected Democrats, including Dem. Houston City Councilmembers, be part of the fight. 

The Austin Chronicle reports on the change of leadership at Ground Game Texas. 

Adrian Rocha argues that President Biden should pardon all undocumented immigrants who have been arrested on marijuana possession charges.  

The Eyewall summarizes the latest 2024 hurricane season forecast.


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