SocraticGadfly: Biden hypocrisy watch roundup, Oct. 5

October 05, 2023

Biden hypocrisy watch roundup, Oct. 5

I think I'm going to do more "bare links" plus minimal commentary bulletin board stuff like this, on this and other political issues, from now through the election next year.

Anyway, first?

Warmonger Joe is now the new Wallbuilder Joe. Shock me, after Illinois Gov Pritzker gave a BlueAnon complaint about Ill Eagles without a concern about why they're leaving their homelands. This is made worse by Wallbuilder Joe still saying that walls don't work.

Speaking of Warmonger Joe, I guess there won't be ad infinitum blank checks for Ukraine without a Speaker. And, is Donald Cluck so ego-blinded, stupid or a mix of, to really want it?

And, will Strikebreaker-cum-Picketwalker Joe stroll an hour with Kaiser Permanente nurses before going to a big fundraiser with Gavin Newsom?

Speaking of hypocrisy alerts, does St. Ralph of Nader approve of all of this? St. Bernard of Sanders?

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