SocraticGadfly: Texas GOP hypocrisy outside of local control issues

June 19, 2023

Texas GOP hypocrisy outside of local control issues

A month ago, Lite Guv Danny Goeb was vociferously opposing the allowance of anonymous reports to Texas Child and Family Services, on the grounds that such reports could be weaponized in divorce and child custody cases. (They can, but that is not THAT common, first, and second, that's why reports aren't acted on without investigation.)

But, last week, Strangeabbott signed the Athena Alert bill into law. It's named after the late Wise County 7-year-old Athena Strand, abducted and sexually abused, before being killed, by a FedEx contract driver.

And, unlike the Amber Alert already on the books?

It allows law enforcement to act even if the report has not been verified.

Hypocrisy, thy name is Dan Patrick.

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