SocraticGadfly: Some national and global tidbits from Texas Progressives

March 01, 2023

Some national and global tidbits from Texas Progressives

Omaha has seriously cut gun violence. Here's how. For people like me, who ardent on gun control, I think this demonstrated that a multifaceted, community-based approach is needed.

The London Review of Books has a great longform on "the reaction economy." In other words, there's advertising and other money to be made off trolling.

China impersonating journalists? Shock me. And, it's COVID-related, too? Alert the fake leftists like Rainier Shea, Max Blumenthal, and Howie Hawkins + Margaret Flowers. And, it was past time to add "pseudoleftism" to my list of labels.

Great piece at Counterpunch by Sam Husseini on possibly the Senate's most maverick member in at least 50 years. No, not Fred Harris. James Abourezk.

And, another good one, by Melvin Goodman, about how Warmonger Joe and his former boss, Dear Leader, have liked to personalize Cold War 2.0 against Russia and Putin.

Lula tells Warmonger Joe to fuck off.

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