SocraticGadfly: Seymour Hersh's "Crap on the Wall"

February 19, 2023

Seymour Hersh's "Crap on the Wall"


That's what he's calling it, not me. (Pictured above: A pile of crap-foam floating on the surface of either the Baltic Sea or Seymour Hersh's Substack.)

Sy's now doubled down on his Nord Stream nodderings with a new piece called "The Crap on the Wall." How much crap, whose crap, and how widely apportioned it should be, probably are in the eye of the beholder, or believer, and their degree of tribalism, or non-tribalism.

Sy is also doubling down on the dinero, as that's a subscriber-only piece, and everything past his journalistic scene-setting intro, per John Helmer, is behind the paywall screen. No doubt sort-of editor Matt Taibbi is walking him through the details of Substack.

Shock me.

Speaking of subscribers? Nobody can comment on the Nord Stream piece. Likely also the idea of sort-of Taibbi. Only subscribers could comment on the original.

Speaking of "crap on the wall"?

Numero Uno commenter on his "hello, I'm here" initial piece is "I invented that vaccine but I'm an antivaxxer" Robert Malone, MD. (Manic-depressive? Old Hawkeye Pierce joke.) He's followed downstream by more than one COVID denier or minimalist. Apparently, he referred many here. Others said Aaron Maté sent them here. Natch. Might be some tie with Taibbi, too. And, others said noted British nutter Russell Brand sent them.

Others of note? Gun nut, Assange cultist, and promoter of a weird conspiracy theory that the feds are out to get the Amish, Betsy McDonel Herr.

Doug Henwood, with whom I've tangled before, and maybe is himself a COVID minimalist or worse if he also follows Vinay Prasad's Substack. He's also a paid subscriber to Modern Monetary Theory tout Stephanie Kelton's Substack, and Doug used to laugh at MMT touts like Michael Hudson and Yves at Naked Capitalism. I might have to do a separate small piece about Doug. No, I will.

Lesser names/aliases? A "Blackbear" favorably cites Seth Rich conspiracy theorist nutter (and nutter about other things) John Mark Dougan. And a Jill Klausen, ready to believe Sy, but calling the likely Chinese surveillance balloon a "weather balloon."

Among more trustable people of note? Asa Winstanley of the Electronic Intifada. And, that's about it.

As for the grifting for money? Sy's Substack front page says "Over 99,000 subscribers." That's a lot of grifting in less than a month, even if only 10 percent are paid. Speaking of, as of April 1, Helmer, at the end of this piece, estimates Sy has already NETTED $200-$500K.

1 comment:

Gadfly said...

Well, Anonymous (No. 1, in case others come here before I decide to turn off anonymous commenting) you've had your one comment. And, the only one.