SocraticGadfly: Counterpunch uses Ukraine to go on kneejerk anti-nuke screed

February 02, 2022

Counterpunch uses Ukraine to go on kneejerk anti-nuke screed

The possibility of Ukrainian nuclear power plants becoming Russian bomb targets should full-fledged war break out is real. And worrisome. 

To pivot from that to saying Western Europe should already be weaning itself from fossil fuels, as does this screed at Counterpunch from anti-nuclear activist Linda Pentz Gunter, is either laughable or laughably ignorant.

See, that's already been happening, per Wikipedia. Germany? Nearly half its power from renewables. Romania and Finland above 40 percent. Sweden and Switzerland almost 60 percent and Denmark above that. Just about every country in Europe is above 25 percent and well above the US's 17 percent. (One notable exception is nuclear-heavy France.) Germany under Merkel started moving away from nuclear (albeit partially with domestic lignite) shortly after Fukushima and the Daiichi plant.

At the same time, Gunter, and I'm sure Beyond Nuclear in general, and not just in this article, refuse to deal with the issue of where the juice is going to come from to electrify our entire car and truck fleet.

Update: It did similar 2 weeks later, with this piece repeating typical non-skeptical leftist lies about Hiroshima.

In the bigger picture? Counterpunch has been getting more and more "uneven" in the past year or so and also moving more and more in the direction of "old Counterpunch."

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