SocraticGadfly: Greg Abbott has got the COVID β€” my hot takes (and a few others)

August 17, 2021

Greg Abbott has got the COVID β€” my hot takes (and a few others)

And, of course, on hearing this news, I couldn't resist hot takes on Twitter.

Like this:

Given that he's been attending maskless crowds, it IS schadenfreude well earned.


There's this:

Two schadenfreude bitches with one stone.

And this:

Like shooting fish in a barrel.

And this:

C'mon, you would, too!

And this:

Nothing like throwing a dollop of conspiracy-theory pot-stirring in the mix.

And this:

And this:

I'll be here all week, folks!

Here's one or two that aren't mine:

Nice ...

And, kinder, gentler schadenfreude?


And seeing the flip side? A COVID oldie but goodie:


This one goes political.

Political schadenfreude!

On the serious side, living in Texas, I know that Danny Goeb takes over if Strangeabbott goes to his COVID non-afterlife reward. At the same time, AFAIK, Tex-ass has no state equivalent to the 25th Amendment.

Per Ballotpedia, the Texas Constitution does talk about, under Lite Guv powers, the "temporary incapacitation" of the guv, but unlike the 25th Amendment, in part since Tex-ass has Dick Cheney's plural executive, it doesn't say HOW that's determined if the guv doesn't admit it on his own. The full Article 4 of the Tex-ass Constitution only confirms that. There is no 25th Amendment type provision for Abbott going stir-crazy and then, say a la Nietzsche, kissing a horse and weeping over it or something.

So, what happens if Strangeabbott goes in a coma? Or kisses a horse because, per Nietzsche, it will make him stronger since it's not killing him?

No third special session, for starters.

Update: Rumor has it that Abbott skipped line and got a booster ... and it still didn't save him from his politically-driven foolishness.

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