SocraticGadfly: Just call me #Gawker

October 11, 2013

Just call me #Gawker

Well, that's what Technorati does, in its latest listing of "authority levels" on US politics.

True, I'm not the only non-"name" blog to be there. But, I'm also listed at the same authority level as Fairness and Accuracy in Media, or FAIR.

And, I'll give you a more rounded, diverse take on a larger variety of issues than will Gawker. And, I won't SEO-hook you with headers that say "10 reasons" or "12 items." I won't build listicles like that, either.

Instead, you'll get insightful, critical political commentary from a skeptical left-liberal perspective, working to try to bring a 21st-century version of real liberalism back to American politics.

And, yes, it's a bit of tooting my own horn. And yes, Technorati was really cool about a decade ago, or at best, about 2006. But, it is what it is.

I don't toot my own horn often. Those ratings will change soon enough. And Technorati isn't the be-all that it kind of used to be.

But, I am tooting my horn this time. Those are the current ratings. And Technorati isn't 100 percent dead, either.

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