SocraticGadfly: Ideological flexibility can go WAYYY too far

July 03, 2010

Ideological flexibility can go WAYYY too far

In defending Bill Clinton's new take on Robert Byrd's early-life Klan membership, Salon cites Clinton not just signing the Defense of Marriage Act, but bragging about it, on Christian radio stations.

That's not flexibility, that's unscrupulousness.

Steve Kornacki apparently doesn't know the different between ideologically "flexible" and ideologically "unscrupulous."

Why didn't he at least try to ameliorate DOMA's worst by executive order after the 2000 election? Or, why didn't he do what Obama doesn't have the courage to do now, end DADT by executive order, per Truman and military desegregation?

Or, why did he push for Glass-Steagall repeal, only to "repent" a full decade later, and that only, in all likelihood, because of worries about his "legacy." (Hint: Jackson Stephens surely liked all the financial dereg the Slickster promulgated.)

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