SocraticGadfly: Confusing Obama cause and effect at TPM

July 02, 2010

Confusing Obama cause and effect at TPM

Josh Marshall seems to want to blame the lack of a stronger stimulus package on Congressional Democrats (with the Senate GOP in the background, of course) and NOT President Obama.

Of course, facts are different. Obama's clueless and soon-to-be-departing Chief of Staff, Rahm Emanuel, started compromising away the stimulus store long before the proper time for compromises was at hand.

Since then, the only "initiative" has been continued extensions of unemployment benefits (until now). Thinks like an infrastructure repair bill haven't even come close to coming out of the White House.

Meanwhile, per the overall tenor of Josh's comments, the White House let go of keeping a firm hand on the "narrative" of this issue long ago, too.

Abroad, it probably could have "swapped" support, at least lip support, for additional stimulus spending by first, backing what some Eurozone countries have done already on financial reform rather than trying to pretend the US was at the lead, and second, citing what China had actually done in the way of stimulus spending.

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