SocraticGadfly: Why Rand Paul is wrong on civil rights

May 22, 2010

Why Rand Paul is wrong on civil rights

Rand Paul has been, famously or infamously, claiming that in the 1964 Civil Rights Act, the government's regulation or elimination of discrimination in private establishments was unconstitutional. Funny, I have read the Constitution before.

Let's take a look.

The Preamble to the Constitution says it is ordained and established to:
Establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility (and) promote the general Welfare.
Now add to that Article 1, Section 8:
To make all Laws which shall be necessary and proper for carrying into Execution the foregoing Powers, and all other Powers vested by this Constitution in the Government of the United States, or in any Department or Officer thereof.
I consider those forgoing powers to include what's listed in the preamble.

Even libertarians know Rand's wrong, with even more insight than I just offered.

Of course, at heart, Rand, like his old man, is a racist of sorts trying to camouflage it in libertarian language. Congrats, Kentucky GOP voters: You just nominated a borderline racist, if not more than borderline, to carry your party's senate banner.

And, yes, his old man's a racist. "Mainstream libertarianism" (an oxymoron if ever) said so two years ago in its house organ.

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