SocraticGadfly: BP oil in NC?

May 20, 2010

BP oil in NC?

Y ep, if enough oil from the Deepwater Horizon gets into the Loop Current, then gets driven in the right way by hurricanes, it could make it all the way to Cape Hatteras, N.C.

Here's the latest skinny:
This year's hurricane season, June 1 to Nov. 30, is expected to be above average with 15 tropical storms of which eight could be hurricanes, according to experts at Colorado State University, the nation's oldest hurricane forecasting team.

Jeff Masters, chief meteorologist at forecaster Weather Underground, says the oil spill adds "an exclamation mark" to the "sense of foreboding" he has over the hurricane season. Storms tend to break up and dilute large spills, but they also spread them over a greater area, he says. ...

The federal Climate Prediction Center will issue its hurricane outlook May 27. Masters and's Joe Bastardi say record high sea surface temperatures in the Atlantic and cooling in the Pacific Ocean resemble conditions in 2004, 2005 and 2008, when multiple storms battered the USA.
But, you say, surely this is a real, real worst-case scenario.

Ahh, but isn't that what BP said about the possibility of a deep-sea blowout as bad as this, as an excuse for not acting?

And, given the Obama Administration's somewhat laggard, somewhat defensive response so far, will that be the attitude it takes?

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