SocraticGadfly: Why 'pro-Israel' is actually 'anti-Israel'

March 25, 2010

Why 'pro-Israel' is actually 'anti-Israel'

Steven Wright explains why the Jeffrey Goldbergs of the world, along with their Christian "Amen corner," aren't doing Israel any good. It's amazing that Goldberg thinks he can actually explain away Gen. David Petraeus' own explicitly worrisome comments about Israeli settlement building and other activities, through some sort of Orwell-speak. Petraeus is m ore than politically skilled enough that, if he had wanted to at least halfway praise Israel before SEnate committee testimony, he would have.

And, speaking of "Amen corners," Wright, in comments to his column, busts Gary Bauer in an outright lie.

Oh, I "love" the early ads Google AdSense is slapping on this post. Hey, Sergey and Larry, the algorithm still needs tweaking!

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