SocraticGadfly: Go, Kucinich, Go!

March 13, 2010

Go, Kucinich, Go!

I am totally with Heather Michon — if Dennis Kucinich's vote kills the current version of health care reform, two thumbs up. John Nichols notes that Kucinich also voted against the original House bill.

Both people note, as I do and do many other real progressives, that this bill will do nothing of note to rein in private insurance costs, little to rein in pharmaceuticals costs, and therefore is largely a sham.

That's compared to Democratic Party-line squish bloggers like Kevin Drum who say, "Pass something and it will get better later," using the stair-step argument.


Forty-five years after we got Medicare and Medicaid, we haven't done a lot of stair-stepping since then, have we?

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