SocraticGadfly: My father, the father

October 18, 2009

My father, the father

The child sexual abuse rate of both Catholic priests and Protestant ministers is not different from national averages to a statistically significant degree, sensationalized stories aside. But, Catholic priests, with celibacy, have another issue: sexual relations with adults, and, when heterosexual, complications like fatherhood. This, too, gets shuffled under the table by the Catholic Church.

In Protestantism, if the pastor or minister is married, you have the injured spouse to act, or not act, as she chooses, while church denominations may be less liable, in some ways.

How bad is it? A study cited by the story claimed that, in the 1990s, at least, 20 percent of priests were in ongoing sexual relationships. And, many appear to be sexual predators targeting vulnerable women.

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