SocraticGadfly: I thought this was what Volcker was for?

February 06, 2009

I thought this was what Volcker was for?

If President Obama has Paul Volcker already serving as an outside economic advisor (albeit one getting stiffed by Larry Summers) why does he now also need an Economic Recovery Advisory Board consisting of Volcker and others? Given the bipartisan nature of this board, with Reagan-era economic advisor Martin Feldstein and a few CEOs, it sounds like a Congressional lobbying group as much as anything.

When you’ve already been critiqued from a more liberal point of view for being tardy on taking charge, it seems to me that adding even more cooks to the broth is a risk proposition.

And given that “multiple cooks” seems as good an explanation as any for other Obama Administration screw-ups, like that of the nomination of Gen. Zinni as ambassador to Iraq, Team Obama needs to be careful.

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