SocraticGadfly: Somebody shoot John Sharp before he runs again

December 09, 2008

Somebody shoot John Sharp before he runs again

Former Texas Comptroller John Sharp has just announced he plans to seek the Democratic nomination to run for Kay Bailey Hutchison’s Senate seat.

John Sharp is a retread loser AND a collaborationist with the Texas GOP in his post-elective career, a collaborationist with Gov. Helmethair, Rick Perry, in particular. Texas Dems need him to run for statewide office like they need another hole in their collective heads.

His collaboration on school property tax overhaul gave Perry cover on an issue where he was hugely vulnerable, and arguably could also be seen as an inside baseball move with some ultimate benefit to his tax consulting company on the business franchise tax changes.

And, as Wayne Slater notes, twas John Hagee that brokered the reconciliation between Sharp and Helmethair. Ugh.

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