SocraticGadfly: Black is white and coal is cleaner with BushCo

December 03, 2008

Black is white and coal is cleaner with BushCo

In the latest installment in his last-minute assault on the environment, by executive order, Bush just made mountaintop removal coal mining easier . And claims this will be cleaner for the environment.
“This rule strengthens protections for streams,” said Peter L. Mali, a spokesman for the Interior Department office that wrote the regulation. “Federal law allows coal mine waste to be placed in streams, and the rule tightens restrictions as to when, where and how those discharges can occur.”

Wrong-o, Mr. Mali. It makes legal in general circumstances what used to require waivers to do.

Meanwhile, EPA trying to finish work on a rule to make it easier for utilities to put coal-fired power plants near national parks, and another to make it easier for coal-fired plants to increase their emissions without installing new pollution-control equipment.

Coal — it’s what’s for dinner in the Bush White House.

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