SocraticGadfly: Washington Monthly ‘weakest post of the week’ Feb. 17-23

February 24, 2008

Washington Monthly ‘weakest post of the week’ Feb. 17-23

This may become a semi-regular thing, depending on how often Washington Monthly’s Kevin Drum can come through in the clutch to deliver an especially squishy post. This week, I was at first looking at one or more of his McCain-Iserman posts, but Saturday, Kevin gave us a clear winner.

With this comment: “It’s worth saying this over and over: insurance companies don’t discriminate because they're evil. They do it because it’s what insurance companies do. It’s a core part of their business, and if they don't do it they'll go belly up,” it’s a no-brainer.

Why have they been getting worse and worse at it, Kevin? Why have they themselves not been admitting the system, as it now stands, is broken for many people not on the money-making end?

Because insurance companies, as currently constituted, are evil, Kevin.

What a squish.

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