SocraticGadfly: The “Protestant work ethic” is dead, if it ever was alive

September 06, 2007

The “Protestant work ethic” is dead, if it ever was alive

One of my new year’s resolutions in January was to start a new personal journaling project, in which I would either take a picture of some mundanity, or write a haiku, every day.

Well, I’ve not done it every day, but I have done so at least once a week. This is what I’m working on for today, about labor, employment and the old “Protestant work ethic.”

Is it possible?
Can jobs reward us that much?
Do we self-delude?

Similar cases:
Are jobs, like relationships,

Is the modern job
Per Protestant ethic,
Masses' opiate?

"Left," "right" both say no;
Bourgeoise materialists
Steering labor blind.

But loss of job hope
Means loss of career rewards.
Blue, white collars both.

Neo-libs’ NAFTA,
CAFTA, WTO, kill hope,
Money and dreams.

Money is fobbed
With more and more made-in-China
Bread and circuses.

This cannot replace
Dreams shived for dollar stores
Nor the loss of hope.

Even the ideal job
Cannot reward every need;
This just fantasy.

Workaholic U.S.
Take note; live broader lives
At home and in play.

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