SocraticGadfly: Markos and his discontents, i.e., the Dowd-y Markos

June 15, 2006

Markos and his discontents, i.e., the Dowd-y Markos

As Kos lies about not giving a shit about the MSM

Markos calls Maureen Dowd “insecure and catty.” Contrary to his blatherings, I didn’t see any condescension toward Wonkette being at Time in her story. The only condescension was his toward Dowd.

What did she do, not kiss his ass enough? Kiss it while not wearing a lip condom?

The Flaming Redhead shouldn’t worry; Kos doesn’t want to be coopted, not while in-power Swedish Socialists still cry across the ocean for his help.

Of course, Kos gives the lie to his own self after being asked about whether the mainstream media was attacking Kossackism, a theoretical stand-in for progressivism in general, but not an actual stand-in.

“Who gives a shit,” Kos said?

Well, YOU DO, liar.

If you didn’t, you wouldn’t submit to the Dowd interview for her column and you wouldn’t have faced Old Rusty on Press the Meat last Sunday.

Kos, please, at least make your lies less transparent.

Re Dowd and Wonkette at Time, I saw nothing catty about Dowd’s column. Nor did I see any jealousy in her column. I must say, though, that Time is either desperate or idiotic, or a bit of both, to hire a semi-regularly semi-drunken or semi-clueless shiksha like her.

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