SocraticGadfly: I’ve been banned! A badge of honor at the hands of Kos the cult fascist

June 09, 2006

I’ve been banned! A badge of honor at the hands of Kos the cult fascist

I have been banned from posting, if not banned outright, from Daily Kos.

Basically, that’s the cyberworld equivalent of getting booted out of the Communist Party by Stalin or the Nazi Party by Hitler (less the gulag or shooting that follows).

This WILL have more blowback to Kos’ detriment, eventually.

People who have been banned, and who have been accused of being trolls, will actually be trolls at other progressive websites — the judicious ones holding their fire for the occasions when Markos’ or Armando’s names, or the Daily Kos website, gets mentioned.

I’m nowhere near being in the most commonly visited blogs, and I’ve gotten a couple of comments and one trackback. Looks like Markos and Armando have caused a self-inflicted wound.

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