SocraticGadfly: So much for principal, Judy, Judy

October 03, 2005

So much for principal, Judy, Judy

Floyd Abrams, who seems about as capable of telling the truth as George W. Bush, now claims he sought a deal with special prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald on Judith Miller’s grand jury testimony more than a year ago.
"I tried to get a deal a year ago." But Abrams said that when he spoke to Fitzgerald about it at the time, he would not agree to limit his questions "to assure that the only source he would effectively be asking about was Mr. Libby.”

Sure, you did, Floyd. Trying to burnish your legal résumé there?

But, let’s assume this has some degree of basis in fact. Miller has obviously shown that her claim of “principle” is bogus, as if right-thinking people didn’t already know that.

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